Monday, April 11, 2011

April 2th- cave paintings

On April 6th I visited the Natural History Smithsonian with my family.  It is a wonderful museum, and we just happened to run into a few Disney touches.  The museum recently opened a new exhibit on human origins, and being an anthropologist, I really wanted to check it out.  The whole exhibit was really well done, I think they did a great job of catering to lay people, while also providing enough to keep professionals engaged.  One of my favorite parts of the exhibit was a section that was built to look just like the inside of a neolithic cave, complete with cave paintings.  It really reminded of the cave scene in Spaceship earth, complete with the handprint paintings that I have always found so fascinating.   I tried to take a picture with my new phone, but since it was pretty dark it didn't really turn out, but if you can picture Spaceship earth in your mind, you'll have a good idea of what the exhibit looked like.

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